Saturday, December 6, 2008

An Awkward Day

The day started out on a rather sad note. We had received bad news when YJ, Kiat Hwee and I met Mitchell, KB, Darrenn Lam and company when they were playing basketball. I shall not elaborate. I kept feeling awkward for some reason...somehow a little guilt came across me :( It really affected my day...We went for lunch and about 3 we went back home... As usual, I went for football and what made the day seem more awkward was that I scored a goal with a header ( seldom you see people do that especially in street soccer ) We won like 6 matches consecutively...not bad huh? I made plans for tomorrow although it took so much patience with a certain someone...*coughing...Mitchell* :p So we will see what happens tomorrow....

Stay Strong And Take All Challenges In Your Stride...

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